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DDAG (Defence Diversity Advisory Groups)

The DDAG exists to provide members of DND/CAF an avenue to volunteer their energies and talents towards advising and networking with their colleagues, senior leaders and their subordinates. The purpose is to assist in resolving any systemic issues that may be adversely affecting DND/CAF's ability to capitalize of the full contribution that members make towards a strong effective and representative DND/CAF

DIAG | Defence Indigenous Advisory Group

The DIAG exists to provide Indigenous members of DND/CAF an avenue to volunteer their energies and talents towards advising and networking with their colleagues, senior leaders and their subordinates. The purpose is to assist in resolving any systemic issues that may be adversely affecting DND/CAF's ability to capitalize of the full contribution that Indigenous members make towards a strong effective and representative DND/CAF.

DAG- PWD | Defence Advisory Group for Persons with Disabilities

Champion - Vacant

Mil Co-Chair - ​PO 2 Duncan Bowes

D/Mil Co-Chair - Cpl Adam Miller​​​​​​

​Civ Co-Chair - Vacant

The DAG-PwD represents persons who have a short-term, long-term or recurring physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric, or learning impairment that may cause them to be disadvantaged at work. Members of the DAG-PwD provide advice to Defence Team leadership on barriers that prevent an equitable representation of persons with disabilities and recommend relevant policy and procedural changes.

Champion - LCol Corrine Koekhuyt

Mil Co-Chair - Maj Lisa Nguyen

​Civ Co-Chair - Ms. Michelle Divorne

The DWAO represents women in the Defence Team. Members of DWAO provide advice on how to dismantle barriers to the full inclusion of women in the Defence Team and how to address issues and policies that may be discriminatory on the basis of sex or gender.

DVMAG | Defence Visible Minority Advisory Group

Champion - LCol Harding SNM
Mil Co-Chair - Capt Kalay DS/Capt Yu F
Civ Co-Cair - Vacant

The DVMAG represents the visible minority communities within the Defence Team. Members of DVMAG enable dialogue between and among the Defence Team members and personnel who belong to a visible minority. They share their unique insights with leadership about issues affecting visible minorities’ access to employment equity and the negative impacts of lingering discrimination and racism within the organization.

DTPAO | Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization

DTPAO 17 Wing Winnipeg Co-Chairs, email:

DTPAO | Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization

DTPAO represents 2SLGBTQI+ communities within the Defence Team. Members of the DTPAO provide advice and guidance to senior leadership on how to address, prevent and combat systemic discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender diversity.

Positive Space Ambassador (PSA)

The objective of the Positive Space program is to foster the creation of a safe and inclusive work environment for everyone, including members of the Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex+ communities. Positive Spaces are volunteer and peer-based support groups for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex+  (2SLGBTQI+) and non-2SLGBTQI+ community members, where they can create networks and seek information and assistance from Positive Space ambassadors.

The scope of the CAF/DND Positive Space awareness and training program focuses on supporting Defense Team members in the workplace and supports work-related matters and issues. The Positive Space materials have been designed to reflect the reality of the Defense Team as a whole, including personnel in uniform, civilian employees, and contractors, and is supported by our unique organizational ethics, policies, and regulations.

The Defense Team is in need of Positive Space Ambassadors and Instructors – all are
welcome and encouraged to participate in the Positive Space Program!

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