PSP Memberships
The prices below do not include GST. Paid drop-in programs are also available.
Regular Members | Single $ + GST | Family $ + GST |
Tier I Annual - Current Regular /Reserve Force | $0 | $90 |
Tier II - Former CF Members (Veterans) | $83 | $90 |
Ordinary Members | Single $ + GST | Family $ + GST |
Annual | $103 | $130 |
Associate Members | Single $ +GST | Family $ + GST |
Monthly | $42 | $55 |
6 Month | $219 | $294 |
Annual | $392 | $554 |
PSP Plan Club Membership | Single $ +GST | Family $ +GST |
Regular Members Tier 1 | FREE | $32 |
Regular Members tier 2 | $31 | $46 |
Ordinary Members | $31 | $46 |
Associate Members | $56 | $83 |
Categories of memberships
Regular Members
Currently serving CAF members (Regular & Reserve Forces) and their dependents
Members of Foreign Military Currently serving with the CAF and their dependents.
Veterans (former members of the CAF who have successfully completed basic military training and have been honourably discharged) and their dependents.
Ordinary Members
Current DND/NPF/MFRC employees and their dependants.
Former DND/ NPF/ MFRC employees in receipt of a pension for DND/NPF service and their dependants.
Serving RCMP/Coast guard and their dependants.
Commissionaires and other full-time contractors at a CF location and their dependants.
Retired RCMP and Coast Guard.
Associate Members
All others
Club Membership
For club access only, individual club dues apply